This feature is available as part of the Hero Premier package. Please contact the Helpdesk if you would like to subscribe to Premier to make this feature available for your school.
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Hero allows staff members to add a question to any Community Feed or Student Feed post. Once parents or students have answered, the replies are collated and Groups can be generated based on the different responses.
Examples of how this can be used include quickly gathering data on students who will be learning onsite or at home, trip permissions, and student feedback.
This article explains how to add a simple survey to a Student Feed post.
1. Create your Student Feed post - Posting to the Student Feed
3. You can search for an existing survey OR you can enter the new question you wish to gather information on.
1. To search for an existing survey enter the name into the filter field.
2. You will see a list of existing surveys that match your search, along with the options to either reuse an existing survey or copy the details of a previous survey.
3. To gather further responses on an existing survey, select REUSE THIS SURVEY.
4. You will see a message advising that this will add responses to the existing survey. Select YES if you would like to combine the survey responses with existing responses.
5. To copy the details of the survey, in order to gather a completely new set of responses, select COPY DETAIL.
6. Selecting COPY DETAIL will create a new survey with the same description and options as the one being copied, and will gather new responses that do not combine with the results of the existing survey.
1. To create a new survey enter the new question you wish to gather information on.
2. The responses Yes and No will auto-populate. These can be deleted by using the trash can icon if they are not required.
3. Alternative answers can be added by clicking on the Add an Answer field, entering the response option and clicking ADD
4. Answers can be reordered by clicking on the drag and drop icon
5. Once your survey content is complete, click SAVE SURVEY
1. If you have finished the content of your student feed post click SAVE POST
2. To make your student feed post viewable by students click PUBLISH.
3. Students can log into Hero and click on My Feed to read the full post then respond to the question
4. Students can see their response and the date this was recorded
Note: Students can change their response should they need too.
1. Once the students have responded to a question, a staff member can return to their student feed post and click VIEW RESPONSES
Note: Before reviewing responses, we recommend the staff member carries out a refresh of their software to ensure they are viewing the most up-to-date information
Apple: Command + Shift + R
PC: Ctrl + F5
2. Here, they will be presented with a table displaying an automatically collated summary of the replies. This displays how many answers were received for each type of response and how many students who were sent the post did not reply.
3. For each type of response, the table displays the name of the student, their year level, class, and when they responded
4. For each type of response, a group can be created by ticking the box next to the word Student to select all or by ticking the names of specific students then clicking the +Group icon
5. Select whether you would like the group to display in the MY or SHARED groups area. Name and label your group then click CREATE GROUP.
Note: Shared groups are visible to all staff
6. Once your group is created, you can take attendance, create a list, send a Community Feed or Student Feed post or enter data for that group - So easy!
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