Welcome to the Hero for Teachers guide.
This resource is designed to help you build your knowledge of how to use the features of the Hero software. It introduces eight professional learning sessions using tables of "I can ..." statements. This allows you to work through new learning as a whole staff, as a team, or at your own pace and it gives you a place to revisit if you forget!
- PL Session 1: Introduction to Hero
- PL Session 2: Student and Class Information
- PL Session 3: Posting
- PL Session 4: Groups
- PL Session 5: Communicating with Staff, Families and Students
- PL Session 6: My Profile, Post Notifications and Staff Pages
- PL Session 7: Assessments
- PL Session 8: School Expectation Data and Goal setting
Using the Hero guides online is recommended because our articles are regularly updated. This ensures you have access to the most up-to-date information.
Help articles can also be searched for by clicking the help icon and typing keywords into the search bar
We hope you are excited by the opportunities using Hero offers your school.
The Hero Team
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