Creating a Class |
Editing a Class (Name, Teacher or Team) |
Deleting a Class |
- I can add, remove or move students from classes
Adding and Removing Students from Classes |
- I can view students in the available auto groups
Viewing Students in Auto Groups
- I can create auto groups for my school's larger learning community (ie. syndicate, team or learning hub)
Setting up Team Auto Groups
- I can create a new group of students for myself or shared with the whole school (eg. a bus group)
Creating a Group
- I can edit or delete a group
Editing a Group
Deleting a Group
- I can move a MY group be to a SHARED group and vice versa
Moving a Group between MY and SHARED
- I can find and view a group created by another staff member
Viewing Groups Created by Others
- I can sort a class or group by name
Sorting a Class or Group by Name or Progress |
- I can view the classes and groups a student is or has been a member of
Finding a Student's Groups and Classes (past and present) |
- I can do my class placements for the coming year
End of Year Class Placements |
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