You can personalise the information you wish to share with parents. Settings are global and turning these on/off will affect what all parents see.
1. Navigate to the Administration menu. If you have a wide-screen device this will already be visible on the left-hand side of your screen. If not, click on the Administration menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen.
2. Under the heading Options select What can parents see?
3. Turn on each of the settings you wish to show information for. A summary of the settings can be found below.
When turned on, the Show attendance to parents setting will display dials and a table that shows the attendance of the student for each term of the current year.
When you hover your cursor over a piece of the dial a pop up will display, showing parents the type of attendance (Present, Late, Justified and Unjustified absence) and the number of half days these relate to. The table exists to provide the same information on the printed report.
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The Show learning content setting needs to be turned on (red) to show learning content to caregivers.
Learning content includes assessment data, goals, progressions and published posts to be displayed on the Current Report Page or any page open to caregivers to view (green padlock pages).
Note: if you have this slider turned OFF, caregivers may still receive notifications of posts as they are published. Please ensure you turn off post notifications in your Notification settings - Post Notifications
When this setting is turned off an estimated time frame for going live needs to be entered
When the Show learning content setting is turned off, the following Content Unavailable message will display to caregivers on the current report page and any pages in the menu under their student's name.
They will still be able to view the Community Feed, Class Placements and Finance Data if these are in use by your school.
Note: When logged in as a staff member, the caregiver view option for the current report page will show all content as a caregiver will see it regardless of the setting of this slider.
The Community Feed Comments setting enables schools to choose whether they allow parents to comment on Community notices.
Report Page
At the top of the current year report page, there is a pop up called 'About This Page'. A site administrator can add information for parents to read about the content of their child's digital report.
Information can take the form of an image or Google file and written text. Your school may wish to include information about the curriculum, links to how to help at home or translated information for speakers of other languages.
To add media to your report page you can upload your file or embed from Google Drive.
Hero has created an example Google Slideshow that schools are welcome to use as a starting point for developing their own. This can be requested by sharing (with editing rights) a Google Slideshow titled [Name] School Parent Information with
If your school wishes to make assessment scores visible to parents, at least one of the following settings must be turned on
The assessment will present as a table:
To see the image below in a larger view, click HERE
Check the settings for individual goal subjects. This includes the ability to have progress data generated by best fits or showing the progress radial dials. For information on these settings see Adding or Editing a Set of Goals.
To see the image below in a larger view, click HERE
Note: progress charts will only show when students have progress data entered.
Class Placements
These settings allow parents to view their child's class for this year and/or the coming year
This setting will open the page My year Class to parents to view (this will default to the current year and show a photo of the student's current class teacher if this is the only option turned on)
This setting will show the names and photos of students in the class on the class page
This setting will hide photos of students in the class on the class page
This setting will show next year's class information to parents as per the above settings, providing class placements for the coming year have been allocated - see End of Year Class Placements
This setting will show the student's current class within their profile information on the current report page. This also shows or hides the student's current class when the student is logged in. (Note, this setting is not dependent on the Class page setting above.)
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