The Hero Team has put together a helpful action plan to help guide you through the process of successfully introducing Hero to your community.
Click here to view a 1 page checklist to get started with sharing notices via the community feed
Click here to access the full action plan for Launching Hero at your school - Families
The following message is a suggested introduction to Hero for parents and caregivers. It explains your school's intention for online, real-time communication and reporting.
Dear Parents and Caregivers
We are delighted to launch our new communication and reporting system, Hero.
Hero allows schools to build an online environment that reflects our unique context. It enables teachers, students, and families to view and share content anytime, anywhere on any device. The software is secure, easy to use and brings together all school-related information in one place.
We are excited about the features that Hero has to offer families. These include the ability for parents and caregivers to
- read and comment on posts relating to your child’s learning
- view information on your child’s progress and goals
- read and comment on school notices sent to the class or groups your child is part of
- respond to school notices such as surveys and trip permission requests
- view school term dates
- view a school calendar of events
- notify the school if your child is absent or late
- navigate to other school-related webpages
- customise your account by adding a profile image
- select how you wish to receive notifications
Over the upcoming year, staff and students will be posting rich content to our Hero software and we are looking forward to sharing this with you to include you in your child’s learning journey.
Learning posts combined with curriculum information and goal-setting will form an online report designed to build year on year so that over time you will have access to written posts, images, video, work samples, and helpful resources all in one place.
For information about Hero including how to log in, go to Hero or contact [name of staff member] at [email address].
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