Hero has been designed for online, real-time reporting meaning that parents can view their child's progress via the Hero app or a web browser at any time.
From time to time, there may be a need to print a summary of this online report, for example, to send to an outside agency.
Caregivers are able to produce a summary of their child's current year's report via the caregiver app if using an Android device, or by opening Hero on a browser if using an Apple device. Note: Post filters are not available to caregivers.
1. Navigate to the student profile and click on their pop up menu
2. Select the Current Year REPORT page
3. Here you will see the staff view of the student's progress. To view the information as a parent, based on settings your school has selected in the What can Parents see? page, click VIEW AS CAREGIVER
4. To print a summary of the online content, click on the print icon.
5. A popup will be displayed to allow the user to simplify the print.
Including the student's legal name will apply the legal name to the report heading, expectation statements, goal statements and where the student is a post author. Note: Post content will not be changed.
Options to include posts made by students or caregivers will only exist if pages allowing this are included on the report.
Note: Include a list of other media attached to post will print the file names of unprintable media e.g. videos, embedded documents. The 'About this Page' image will not be included as a print option if it is a slideshow or video.
6. Set the appropriate sliders for your needs and click PRINT.
7. A written summary will be generated. You can use your printer settings to remove the date, header and footer if required.
You can also choose to save the generated document as a .pdf file for emailing.
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