When viewing student information, all data is stored as Fields within Sections. Clicking on the student's Information (i) icon will take you directly to the Basic Detail section and display the fields related to that section i.e. First name (legal), Middle name(s). To navigate to a different section i.e. Contacts, click on the section name.
Hero enables School Administrators to customise the sections and fields to cater for the needs of your school. Ministry of Education and Core Student Fields will have restricted management.
For a field to appear on the Enrolment Form, it must exist as a student information field.
From the Administration Menu click on Manage Fields
You will see all the sections that currently exist for learners. You are also able to manage fields for Caregivers, Staff and Doctors and Specialists by clicking on the options at the top of your screen.
From here you can create a new section, delete user-created sections, edit the name of a section or adjust customisable fields within a section.
A new field can be added to any section. You do not need to create a new section in order to create a new field. You will only require a new section if you are creating an entire group of fields for a specific cause e.g. COVID-19 immunisation and incident fields under a section called COVID-19. See Creating and Managing Sections further down in this article.
Adding a Field
1. Navigate to the Section that your field belongs in. We recommend keeping the name short - you can change the label to a longer description after you have saved the new field. (See below.)
2. Click on the Section Name. All existing fields in that section will be displayed.
3. Click + below the existing field list
4. Enter the name of your new field in the Field Label.
5. Select the Field Type from one of the following options:
Text - a short to medium length field for entering text
Textarea - an area for a large amount of text e.g. Medical Condition
Radio boxes - small circle to be clicked (single selection only)
Checkbox(es) - small square boxes to be clicked (multiple boxes can be selected)
Date - a valid date must be entered or selected from the calendar
Email address - a valid email address must be entered
Number - only numeric content will be accepted
URL - a valid web link must be entered
Select - a dropdown list of options will be displayed for selection (single selection only)
Multiple select (chips) - a dropdown list of options will be displayed for selection (multiple entries can be selected)
Switch - a slider which must be either On or Off. This differs to a Radio Button which can be blank
6. Enter Field Options if prompted. Radio Boxes, Checkboxes, Select and Multiple select (chips) will all require field options to be added. Enter the name in the Label field. The name will default to the Value field. Click the plus to add the option.
Note: remember to click the plus on your last option to save it as an option 7. Click the Field Controls required:
Visible to Caregivers - not yet in use
Sibling Linked - the field should be the same for all students in a family, so if a sibling is enrolled using ENROL A NEW SIBLING, this field will be copied to the new sibling.
Must be Entered - the field is mandatory. NB: this field does not relate to the enrolment form which has a separate mandatory option. We recommend this option is not used, as all existing records would require the data entered.
8. Select either "Student Medical" or "Student Sensitive" to restrict viewing this field to staff members with specific permissions. Leave this option set to "None" if the field is not restricted. This is explained fully in the help article - Managing Restricted Student, Staff and Caregiver Fields
9. Set the Default Value (optional - the field will default to the value entered when a student is created)
10. Click SAVE FIELD
Changing the Order of Fields
Fields can appear in whatever order suits you best. To resequence the fields:
1. Click ENABLE SORTING at the top right of the section list.
2. Move the cursor to the section you wish to move. The hand icon will appear.
3. Drag the section to the desired position.
4. Once sorting is complete, click STOP SORTING
Deleting a Field
To remove a field from your Student Information:
1. Click DELETE at the end of the field.
Note: It is possible to retrieve information from a field that is accidentally deleted. Please contact the Helpdesk in this situation.
Editing a Field option
Editing a field option does not edit data already entered and can lead to that data being hidden. To change the wording/spelling/capitalisation of a field option you need to create a new option, transfer the students choices to that option in their profile then delete the old option. (see also #6 above.)
Note: It is possible to transfer the data from an old option to a new option in bulk. Please contact the Helpdesk in situations where you have more than, say, a class to change.
Editing a Field Label
1. Click EDIT at the end of the field.
2. Make any changes required (refer to Adding a Field for field definitions)
3. Click SAVE FIELD when editing is complete.
Placeholder Sections
Some sections cannot be edited or deleted as they have fixed fields that cannot undergo customisation.
- Contacts - is used to display the contact cards for all caregivers. No fields can be added to this section.
- Siblings - is used to display and maintain sibling links. Use Living Arrangements if you wish to add or customise sibling information fields.
- Medical Conditions - this section will not be visible when viewing the student. It is used to hold the fields used to add or edit medical contacts and medical conditions. The associated buttons and fields will be visible under the Medical (NZ and Independent School) or Wellbeing (NSW Schools) sections.
Adding a Section
1. Click + below the existing section list
2. Enter the Section Title (mandatory - this is the name that will appear in student's information section row)
3. Enter the Section Description (optional - information to further describe the content of the section)
The new section will be displayed below the already existing sections.
Changing the Order of Sections
The sections on your Student Information screen can appear in whatever order suits you best. To resequence the sections:
1. Click ENABLE SORTING at the top right of the section list.
2. Move the cursor to the section you wish to move. The hand icon will appear.
3. Drag the section to the desired position.
4. Once sorting is complete, click STOP SORTING
Deleting a Section
To remove a section from your Student Information screen:
1. Click DELETE at the end of the section line.
This will remove all fields within this section and delete the section. It cannot be undone
Editing a Section Name or Description
1. Click EDIT at the end of the section line.
2. Type the new name and/or description.
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