Customising Your School
- Creating and Maintaining Student Information Fields
- Setting Field Defaults
- Customising your Enrolment Form
- Setting your School's Contact Details
- Setting your School's Term Dates and Closed Days
- Permitting All Staff to Edit Student Details
Managing Students
- NZ Schools - Adding a New Medical Condition
- NZ Schools - Adding a New Medical Specialist
- Removing Sibling Links
- Edit a Current Student's Starting Date
- Reclassifying a Student's Year Level
- Editing the Expected Start Date for an Individual Student
Managing Contacts
- Creating and Maintaining Caregiver Information Fields
- Adding or Changing a Contact's Email Address
- Understanding Contacts in Hero
- Adding a New Contact
- Processing Contacts when Enrolling Students
- Removing a Contact from a Student
Attendance for NZ MOE Schools
- Monitoring Student Attendance
- NZ Schools - Reporting and Recording Student Attendance Interventions
- NZ Schools - Marking Attendance for a Class or Group
- NZ Schools - Marking Attendance for an Individual Student
- NZ Schools - Completing an Unmarked Register
- NZ Schools - Processing the Administrators' Daily Roll
Attendance for International and Independent Schools
- International and Independent NZ Schools - Marking Attendance for an Individual Student
- International and Independent NZ Schools - Marking Attendance for a Class or Group
- International and Independent NZ Schools - Processing the Administrators' Daily Roll
- International and Independent NZ Schools - Processing the Attendance for Late or Returning Students
- International and Independent NZ Schools - Process the Attendance for Students Leaving Early
- International and Independent NZ Schools - Completing an Unmarked Register
Managing Student Medical Requirements
- Monitoring Medication Stock Levels
- Monitoring Medication Expiry Dates
- Medication Reports
- Administering Medication to Students, Staff and Community
- Adding and Maintaining a Medication Schedule
- Editing Medications and Maintaining Stock Levels