Hero has the functionality to send texts for both Unexplained Absences and School Notices.
Texts are only sent to those caregivers who have the relationship setting 'Receives Text Messages' turned on. This provides your school with the ability to control the cost of texts sent.
To learn how to send texts read Sending Text Messages to Caregivers and Sending a School Notice via Text.
1. Navigate to the Administration menu. If you have a wide-screen device this will already be visible on the left-hand side of your screen. If not, click on the Administration menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen.
2. Under the heading Options select Notifications
3. Scroll to Text (SMS) Notifications
4. Set to 'ON' the slider Enable Text (SMS) Messages. This slider controls the overall ability to send a text from Hero.
Note: By turning on this slider, your school is agreeing to the cost per text per recipient. When sending a text to the whole school, it will only be sent once per mobile phone (i.e. multiple texts will not be sent to parents with more than one child). The school will be billed monthly based on the number of texts sent. For information about the cost of texting in your country, please contact finance@linc-ed.com
5. Enter the email address designated to receive replies to the text. This would generally be the school office email address or that of the attendance officer.
6. Set to 'ON' the slider Allow administrators to send Text (SMS) Notices. This slider controls the overall ability to send a school notice via text from Hero to the caregivers of a group of students e.g. 'The school is in Lockdown' or 'The school is closed this Friday for a teacher only day'.
7. Set to 'ON' the slider Allow administrators to send SMS messages for absences. This slider controls the overall ability for texts to be sent from the administrator's daily roll for students with an absence code of Unknown (?)
8. Enter/Amend the default message to go to caregivers when a student is absent. {CHILD} will be replaced with the first name of the student.
In order for a caregiver to receive a text, they need to have a valid mobile phone number and also have the authority to receive a text message enabled. This is on an individual student/caregiver basis. To turn on a caregiver's ability to receive a text:
1. Find the student using one of the search tools available
2. Click on the student Information (i) icon
3. Click on the CONTACTS heading
The contacts for this student will be displayed.
4. Click EDIT on the contact you wish to update
5. The relationship fields will be displayed. Click the Receives Text Messages slider to 'ON' and click DONE.
7. Click Save
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