Demographic reporting can be carried out for any existing group of students. This includes classes, auto groups or MY and SHARED groups.
Analysis is in the form of reports and graphs. The whole school graphs are particularly useful for reporting to the BoT as it will show them the gender, ethnic and age make-up of the students, some of whom may need closer monitoring. As any group can generate demographic insights they can be used to break down focus groups (eg. literacy, maths) as well.
1. Navigate to your class or group page by clicking on Groups and Classes followed by the group type e.g. Class, Auto Group
2. Under the class or group, click the pop up menu
Note: if you are already in your class/group page, you can click on the pop up menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen
3. Click on INSIGHTS
5. Graphs of gender and MoE ethnicity groups are displayed, as well as tables showing year levels and ethnicity counts.
6. The best way to include the graphs on BoT reports is to screenshot the graphs required, then copy and paste to the BoT report. The tables can be printed, copy and pasted to the BoT report, or saved separately to Excel/CSV.
Note: if your group includes both current and former students, you are able to include all data by clicking the three dots menu next to Insights and selecting Include former students
If you are viewing data that includes former students this will be indicated next to the Insights heading.
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