Note: If your school is not an NZ MOE school, the following article will apply to you: International and Independent NZ Schools - Marking Attendance for a Class or Group
Any staff member can take the class attendance for any class or group within Hero.
1. Navigate to your class or group by clicking on the Groups and Classes icon
2. Under the class/group, click the pop up menu icon
Note: if you are already in your class/ group page, you can click on the pop up menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen
3. Click on DAILY ROLL
4. To mark attendance for today click either MORNING or AFTERNOON as appropriate. If your school uses Blocks or Periods these will be displayed instead. We advise that teachers don't use the calendar section to select a session due to the possibility of picking the wrong day.
5. If enabled by your School Leaders, a teacher has the option of viewing the roll for either a single day or a full week. Use the buttons provided to toggle between the two different views. The roll can only be taken for the previously selected day.
Clicking DAY provides larger student profiles for easier recognition.
Clicking WEEK provides historical data and easily identifiable attendance patterns.
6. Click MAKE <current view> MY DEFAULT to set the current view as your preferred view. This button will only be displayed when toggling away from your preferred view.
Present students
Click on the photo of each student who is present. You will see their banner change to say the word Present.
If you incorrectly click on a student who is not present, click on their photo again to change back to Unknown.
Absent students
Do not click on students who are absent. Their banner will remain with the word Unmarked. (NB Unmarked means that a child has not been marked at all, Unknown means that the student's attendance has been processed for this period but the reason for absence is not known. When processing class attendance all unmarked students will revert to unknown at the time of confirmation.)
To enter absence information about a student click the pencil icon under their name.
Record the details in the box and click OK.
The pencil icon box will turn orange and the information will be visible to your office staff.
Mark all as...
There are also options to Mark all PRESENT or OFFSITE. If using these options it is best to mark all students as PRESENT/OFFSITE first and then return to mark the exceptions. If changing a student to a ?, this will change the student's banner to Unknown (this has the same meaning as Unmarked).
6. When you have entered all your absence information, click Next. The Next button will not be available if no students have been marked.
7. You will see a confirmation page. Check you have correctly indicated the students who are absent and present. Click CONFIRM to proceed or BACK to make a correction.
1. Sort the class by whichever sequence you prefer. To sort, click on the arrow in the column heading.
2. Mark each student or alternatively mark only those who are absent and use the Mark all as buttons to complete the others. To mark a student Present, click the profile. The student will display as Green.
To select an alternative code (if permitted) click on the ? box and select the code from the drop down list.
3. To record a reason for the absence, click the Pencil icon, enter the message and click OK.
4. To mark the remaining attendance in bulk select the Mark all as buttons.
The Present button will mark all unmarked students as Present. The Offsite will mark all unmarked students as Q - School Trip, F - Offsite Course (e.g. technology), or J - Justified.
Select the code, enter the reason and click MARK ALL AS OFFSITE. Adjustments can be made to individual children prior to clicking the Next button.
5. Click NEXT to preview the attendance.
6. Compare the preview counts against your paper roll and either CONFIRM or go BACK.
7. Once the roll has been confirmed, the MORNING or AFTERNOON button will turn green.
Note: Attendance must be confirmed by class in order for them to appear as green in the school attendance page. Taking the attendance by groups will not achieve this even if all the students have been given an attendance mark.
Once a class roll is complete, adjustments can only be made to marked students from the individual.
To take or change attendance for an individual student see Marking Attendance for an Individual Student
Schools have an option to turn on codes for teachers. This gives them an additional set of codes under the student photos to indicate why a student is absent.
Schools also have the option to permit teachers to take attendance via the Weekly View.
For more information see Setting your Options for Attendance
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