Regular attendance helps learners develop a sense of belonging and routine, and fosters better engagement with learning to drive progress and achievement.
Hero has several great features to assist schools in meeting this goal.
Note: This section relates to NZ MoE Schools Only
Hero runs a nightly task across all NZ MoE schools that will maintain an early intervention register of students who have accumulated 5 full days unjustified absence (consecutively or separately) during the current term.
Students who meet the 5 full days unjustified absence threshold will be visible to administrators and school leaders who will then be responsible for actioning intervention procedures.
A weekly upload to the Ministry of Education provides a file of students who have reached the threshold in the current term and the date intervention was actioned.
Read this help article for detailed information about this feature - NZ Schools - Reporting and Recording Student Attendance Interventions
Note: This section relates to NZ MoE Schools Only
Along with the intervention register school administrators can receive notifications when a student's consecutive unjustified absences reach a predefined level.
Ministry of Education guidelines require that an alert be triggered for any unjustified absence of more than 40 consecutive half-days but schools can add their own additional alerts by setting the number of half days for each alert.
Read this help article for detailed information on how to add additional alerts. - Setting your Options for Attendance
Attendance Rate autogroups provide a means of identifying students based on absentee and late rates. This in turn provides comprehensive data sheet and achievement analysis across this group to gain a better understand of attendance vs achievement.
Attendance rate autogroups are created by default for
- Absent > 10%
- Absent > 20%
- Absent > 30%
- Late > 10%
- Late > 20%
- Late > 30%
These can be extended or adjusted for your school by contacting the Customer Support Team.
No action is required to maintain these autogroups. Hero runs an update every evening across all schools to populate these autogroups if a student's attendance rate falls into the autogroup thresholds. These autogroups use a 'calculated day code' which caters for intermittent attendance during a day. If a student is absent for > 2hrs their calculated day code will be Absent, otherwise it will be Present. (For NZ schools who operate an AM/PM structure, the morning is often > 2hrs and the afternoon is less. In this case the calculated day code will align with the morning code. This will mean that students regularly absent in the afternoon for a period that is <2 hours may not show in the expected higher threshold autogroup.)
A student is deemed at late for these autogroups if they were late any time during a day. (So they may appear in a higher Late autogroup than their half-day lates would suggest.
Note: A student may currently appear in more than one autogroup if their attendance meets multiple thresholds. Changes are being made in the near future to introduce ranges.
The List Builder > Pre-Made Lists has multiple attendance reports to obtain absence percentages by individual and group.
For schools in NSW, although attendance is taken for an entire day, all analysis is represented per 1/2 day to obtain a realistic view of a students actual attendance. i.e. if a student is present or absent for the entire day, this will reflect as 2 x 1/2 days for that code. If a student has a partial absence and they were absent for >= 120min, they will show as 1/2 day present and 1/2 day absent.
For schools outside NSW, most analysis is based on the code recorded for each individual periods.
Check out these reports -
- ATTENDANCE TRACKER - Summary of the number of periods Present and Absent per student per term. Filter the percentages and create groups from the generated results. See Filtering and Sorting Lists
- ATTENDANCE ANALYSIS - Attendance counts for individual codes for the year to date (YTD) or selected Term or date range per student with summary totals and percentages. Filter the percentages and create groups from the generated results. See Filtering and Sorting Lists
- ABSENT RATE ANALYSIS - Similar to the Absences and Truancy report but provides demographic breakdowns by percentage present. Note - percentages falling between ranges are included in the higher range e.g. 80.5% is included in 81-90%
Read these help articles to view the full range of attendance reports available -
- NZ Schools - Generating Attendance Reports and Graphs for Groups of Students
- International and Independent NZ Schools - Generating Attendance Reports and Graphs for Groups of Students
Group Insights bring together all analytics for the selected group including Attendance.
The above help articles contain detailed information on attendance insights, but here is a snapshot.
1. View the attendance rate graphs by individual code or type (Present, Justified or Unjustified).
2. Click any piece of the pie to find the students who contribute to those percentages.
3. Regularly view the last 10 days of attendance for the group in the provided table and create dedicated groups of those students you wish to monitor.
Each individual student has an attendance page where attendance codes can be maintained, future absences recorded and individual attendance reports generated. Here you can also view at a glance a student's attendance trends. e.g. are they always away on a Friday. The colours represent Green (present code), Yellow (justified absence code), Red (unjustified absence code).
Note: This feature is only available to schools with a 1 or 2 period structure.
1. Find the student using one of the search tools available.
2. Click on their pop up menu
4. Hover over a cell to see the code entered for any given period.
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