Note: If your school is not an NZ MOE school, the following article will apply to you. International and Independent NZ Schools - Completing an Unmarked Register
From time to time a teacher may overlook the marking of the register. These will be evident by viewing the Daily Roll calendar from the class. A marked register will be displayed as green and an unmarked register will remain grey.
1. Navigate to your class Daily Roll page by clicking on Groups and Classes
2. Under the class or group, click the pop up menu
Note: if you are already in your class/group page, you can click on the pop up menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen
3. Click on DAILY ROLL
4. Select the month, date and time of day you wish to mark attendance for from the calendar.
If a date is greyed out, this denotes that the school was closed for that day. Attendance cannot be taken on a closed day.
5. Clicking the calendar will display the class. Mark the attendance in the usual way - see Marking Attendance for a Class or Group
Any attendance previously entered for a student for this time will be displayed.
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