Note: If your school is not an NZ MOE school, the following article will apply to you. International and Independent NZ Schools - Generating Attendance Reports and Graphs for Groups of Students
Attendance Analysis and Reporting can be carried out for any existing group of students. This includes the whole school groups, auto groups or manually created groups.
Analysis is in the form of reports and graphs. The graphs are particularly useful for reporting to the BOT.
1. Navigate to your class or group page by clicking on Groups and Classes followed by the group type e.g. Class, Auto Group
2. Under the class or group, click the pop up menu
Note: if you are already in your class/group page, you can click on the pop up menu icon at the top right-hand side of your screen
3. Click on INSIGHTS
4. Click on ATTENDANCE
5. Two sections of graphs will be displayed, each containing graphs for each term and the Year to Date (YTD). The first section show attendance by the main type of attendance (Present, Unjustified or Justified), the second section shows attendance by individual codes.
6. Click on any piece of the pie to see the students who have contributed to this piece. Create a new group to monitor these students.
7. Below the graphs is a table showing the last 10 days of attendance for this group using the last code of the day. Once again, create a group of those requiring further attention.
8. The best way to include these graphs on BOT reports, is to screenshot the graphs required, then copy and paste to the BOT report.
1. Click on the Quick Links icon (three lines) located on the right-hand side of the screen
2. Click on List Builder
3. Click on PRE-MADE LISTS
4. Select the required Attendance Report from the selection
- ATTENDANCE TRACKER - Summary of the number of periods Present and Absent per student per term. Filter the percentages and create groups from the generated results. See Filtering and Sorting Lists
- ATTENDANCE TERM AUDIT - Full period attendance count (1 = Present, 0 = Absent) per student for each day of the selected term presented as a fraction based on the number of periods your school has in a day.
- AUDIT TERM ATTENDANCE REGISTER -1/2 Day attendance count (1 = Present, 0 = Absent) per student for each day of the selected term by class.
- CHANGE OF ATTENDANCE RECORD - See Generating Attendance Report for your Auditor
- ABSENCES AND TRUANCY - Provides attendance percentage breakdowns by Year Level, Ethnicity and Gender
- ATTENDANCE ANALYSIS - Attendance counts for individual codes for the year to date (YTD) or selected Term per student with summary totals and percentages. Filter the percentages and create groups from the generated results. See Filtering and Sorting Lists
- DAILY ABSENCE/LATE REPORT - A report of students who were late or absent on a specified date. This is very useful when billing an event to see which students were absent. This report will default to the current day and can be set to any date you wish using the Report date box.
- ABSENT RATE ANALYSIS - Similar to the Absences and Truancy report but provides demographic breakdowns by percentage present. Note - percentages falling between ranges are included in the higher range e.g. 80.5% is included in 81-90%
5. Filtering by Term or Date Range is available for all Audit and Analysis reports.
6. The Attendance Analysis has the added options of also being able to filter by Group, Gender, Ethnicity, Year Level or Attendance Code. This makes this report very useful when requiring attendance analysis for specific groupings.
7. Use the buttons above the list to Download or Print the report.
8. If you wish to print the ABSENCES AND TRUANCY tables, select Print from your Google Chrome settings.
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