Hero has the ability to share contacts across Hero Schools. This enables parents with children at different Hero schools to log in and view all children together. It also means that personal information e.g. address, phone numbers will only need to be updated once. Extensive security and privacy measures have been built into this process.
When a student application is being accepted into your school the following process will take place for each contact on the enrolment form.
The Hero system is searched to see if that email address exists in ANY Hero school.
Note: All contact names match will cater for partial names if the existing contact contains more detail i.e. Bev will match with Beverley, Smith will match with Smith-Davies. This will help to connect contacts where schools include middle or translated names.
If a match is found in your school (both the email address and contact names match)
1. The student will be associated with that contact and the option to compare details will be requested. This enables you to compare the details entered on the enrolment form with those already in Hero.
2. You MUST click COMPARE DETAILS. The screen displays any fields that differ between the entered data and the existing data along with 3 processing options.
Note: Only non-matching fields are displayed
- Remove Email Address - This is not the right person at all so someone has entered the wrong email address. DON'T associate this student with this contact.
- Update From Application - The details on this new application are the most update to date so please update the contact with these details.
- Keep Existing Data - The information on the contact we had is more accurate. Use that information rather than what has been entered on the application form.
- Note: To avoid lose of important data, neither the email address or mobile phone number of a contact will be overwritten if the accepted application has these fields blank.
3. Click the appropriate button to update the student and contact.
Note: You can go into the record and make further amendments later if needed.
If a match is found in your school but the names DO NOT MATCH
1. The contact will be created without the email address and the following message will be displayed - 'Email address skipped due to differing names'
2. Once you have verified the contact names (i.e. is the email on a different person, or is the name simply spelt differently), you will need to add that contact to the student manually and remove the duplicate without the email address. Refer to the section called 'When updating an Existing Student' in this article - Adding a New Contact
If a match is found in another Hero School AND the contact names match
By linking this contact to your school, the personal details of the contact are being exposed therefore this can only be carried out automatically if the contact names match (i.e. the email address is on the correct person in the other school).
If these conditions are satisfied the student will be associated with that contact and the option to compare details will be requested. NB: This is often the case where the student has moved from one location to another so the address/phone details in the other school may be out of date.
If a match is found in another Hero School BUT the contact names do not match
By linking this contact to your school, the personal details of the contact are being exposed therefore we cannot link this contact if the contact names don't match (i.e. we are unable to automatically determine that it is the correct person). For privacy reasons we are also unable to reveal the school that holds the email address. Because of these privacy and security reasons -
1. The contact will be created without the email address and the following message will be displayed - 'Completed without email address <email address>. Contact the Hero helpdesk for authority to connect to this email address.'
2. Contact the Hero helpdesk team providing them with -
i) The Student you have enrolled (so they can look back at the enrolment application for full details)
ii) The name of the contact that needs to have the email address added.
3. The Hero helpdesk team will check the details in the other school to obtain the name and details of the person holding that email address. They will then link the email address for you and update the person with the most relevant information. Sometimes email addresses may need to be moved to the correct person in the other school.
If no match is found
1. A new contact will be created in your school
Hero is searched to see if a match can be found against Name + Mobile Phone Number or Name + Home Phone Number if no mobile. This search is against your school only.
If a match is found in your school
1. The student will be associated with that contact and the option to compare details will be requested. This enables you to compare the details entered on the enrolment form with those already in Hero.
2. Click COMPARE DETAILS. The screen displayed will display the details entered along with the details currently existing with 3 processing options.
- Remove Email Address - This is not the right person at all so we must have entered the wrong email address. Don't associate this student with this contact.
- Update From Application - The details on this new application are the most update to date so please update the contact with these details.
- Keep Existing Data - The information on the contact we had is more accurate. Use that information rather than what has been entered on the application form.
- Note: To avoid lose of important data, neither the email address or mobile phone number of a contact will be overwritten if the accepted application has these fields blank.
3. Click the appropriate button to update the student and contact.
Note: You can go into the record and make further amendments later if needed.
If no match is found
1. A new contact will be created in your school
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