In March and July New Zealand Primary Schools are required to return roll information to the Ministry of Education. The Principal or Acting Principal must approve and submit the Roll Returns for your school and with Hero this is easily done electronically.
To complete this process the Principal's or Acting Principal's Hero staff account must be set to approve Roll Returns - see the help article Ensuring the Principal has Access to Approve Roll Returns.
When Roll Returns are generated by your School Administration, the Principal will receive a notification via email that this has been created and needs approval. The Principal will also see a message on their home page and Roll Return page when logged into Hero.
For more information about validating your Roll Return data see the help article Processing Roll Returns as an Office Administrator.
1. Access the Roll Return to review in one of the following ways:
1) Click the link to VIEW ON HERO in your email notification
2) Log into Hero and click REVIEW NOW in the alert box at the top of the home page
3) When logged into Hero click on Roll Returns in the Administration Menu
Click REVIEW NOW in the alert box at the top (see screenshot above).
From here you can also click VIEW/PRINT REQUIRED TABLES and print to review as a paper copy.
3. You will be presented with a series of tables to review. Click NEXT to move to the next one if all is in order or REJECT if there is an error.
4. The final screen is your declaration that you have reviewed the information and that it is correct. Click APPROVE to digitally "sign" this Roll Return.
You can click REJECT if the data is not correct or BACK to view the tables again.
Note: Depending on the roll return period, you may also be asked about your donations scheme. You will need to select the answer applicable to your school.
5. Click UPLOAD NOW to upload your Roll Return to the Ministry.
You may find you are left with some unwanted pending returns. To remove a pending roll return you just need to go to Roll Returns, click View Details (the eye icon) for the return that is incorrect, click Review Now, then choose the reject option.
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