International and Independent NZ Schools record attendance for all student movements throughout a school day. As a student arrives or leaves a new attendance record is created, providing a more accurate attendance record. Processes exist to ensure that maintaining this accuracy is quick and effective.
Any staff member can update a student's attendance via the individual student page but as student movement in and out of the school is usually via the school office, it is the Administrator who has access to the late arrival and early leaver features. These are actioned from the Administrator's Daily Roll page.
1. Navigate to the Administration menu. If you have a wide-screen device this will already be visible on the left-hand side of your screen. If not, click on the Administration menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen.
2. Under the heading Administration select Attendance
3. Click PROCESS DEPARTURE to initate the leaving process.
4. On clicking this button, if the student was previously recorded as absent the following message will be displayed and the original attendance mark will need to be updated prior to proceeding.
5. If the student is currently present, the leaver's popup will be displayed.
6. Search for the student if the name is not already showing. Start typing and all names that contain those characters will be presented for selection. Select from the list.
7. Enter the Time of departure. This will default to the current time but can be changed either manually or by clicking the Clock icon. To revert back to the current time if changed click the CURRENT TIME icon.
8. Select the official code to define the reason for the early departure. Click Record absence as for a drop down list.
9. Enter the reason for the absence information in the Notes field.
10. Click Remember details for next student if multiple students will have the same code and reason.
11. Click SAVE to update attendance without printing an early leaver slip or SAVE & PRINT if a slip is required. The signature is included to enable to caregiver to verify the absence.
12. The student will now be marked entered code. A record of their absence will still appear in the Absences list for the day and will be visible in the individual student's movement record.
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