In-depth school-wide data can be gathered in Hero using the Data Sheets function. This tool collates data that has been recorded on student or staff pages and analyses the data based on the use of page tags.
1. Click on Quick Links (top right hand side of the screen)
2. Click Tag Data Sheets
3. Select a page where posts are tagged. This can be either a Student page or a Staff page
4. The page will, by default, display data from the first day of the calendar year. Filter the data for Student pages using a 3 step filtering process to refine your target demographic. Only the date filter is available for Staff pages.
Step 1: Select the required date range. This will only select posts that were created in the range specified. You can manually change the Start Date and/or End Date or click the short cut buttons (TODAY, THIS WEEK or THIS TERM) to set a date range based on your calendar.
Click RESET to set the dates back to the default of YTD.
Further advanced filtering can be obtained by clicking ALL FILTERS. This includes group, student, field and tag based filtering options.
Step 2: Select the primary group(s) of students OR select individual student(s). This filter provides your master set of students. Only these students will be included from this point onwards. You can either filter by groups or select one or more individual students. You are able to select as many groups as you wish and these can be Classes, Autogroups, Shared Groups or My Groups. For all current students use the 'Current Students' autogroup as your initial selection.
Step 3: Refine the selection by adding further filters. The first 4 filter options will be available if you are filtering by Group. These are not relevant if filtering by individual students. Whatever filters you click under Step 3 will reduce your initial group of students. It will never add to your initial group e.g. If I enter Year 1 in the Year level filter, in the example above, it will reduce my search to only Year 1 students in Room 4 and Room 3.
- Select Students to Exclude - identify students who may be adversely affecting the true result of your data analysis e.g. a frequent flyer to the Sickbay. Any number of students can be excluded.
- Select Year Level - narrow down your group to only students in one or more year levels e.g. Only Year 1 students in Room 4 and Room 3.
- Select Genders - narrow down your group by gender e.g. Only Female students in Year 1 in Room 4 and Room 3
- Select Ethnicities - narrow down your group to only a single or handful of ethnicities.
Tag filtering is available for both the group search and the individual student search.
- Select Tags to Include - these work a little differently to the 4 filters above. Including tags will return only posts that have ALL the selected tags. This is to enable you to look at different combinations of tags e.g. Major + Emergency Service Called
- Select Tags to Exclude - excluding tags will return only posts that have none of the selected tags, regardless of other filters.
5. The following use case scenarios will help with understanding how filters work.
Scenario 1 - Room 4 has mixed year levels. I want to see all posts for ALL Year 5 students in Room 4 who are NZ or Cook Islands Māori
Scenario 2 - Room 1 has Year 0-1, Room 2 has Year 1-2 students. I want to see posts for all Year 1 boys.
Scenario 3 - I want to see posts for all Year 1 & 2 Females.
Click RESET to remove all filters.
6. The coloured pie graph wedges show for each set of tags, the percentage of times a specific tag has been selected.
Clicking on one of the pie graph wedges will display the students who have had a post with that tag. The example below shows the students who had a post with the tag "Lunchtime"
From this screen, a group can be created
7. The tables on the right show for each set of tags the total number times a specific tag has been selected
You can also see the number of students who have had this tag associated with a post
You can sort the data from descending to ascending by clicking on the blue column heading
8. Below the pie graphs is a Posts by Author table showing the frequency of posts made by staff members over time.
9. Below this is a Most Posts table showing the students with the highest number of posts on the page selected.
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