Hero is designed to be flexible to meet the varied needs of different school contexts. School administrators can add pages, edit the settings and delete a page if no longer required. This article explains how to add a new page to your school's software.
1. Navigate to the Administration menu. If you have a wide-screen device this will already be visible on the left-hand side of your screen. If not, click on the site administrator menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen
2. Under the heading Site Setup select Pages
3. Here you will see a list of pages currently available for your school. To make a new page click the + at the bottom right hand side of your page
4. Ensure the Page Type is set to Student or Staff as applicable
5. Enter the Page label you wish to see on the student menu pop up button. Generally, this will be short, 1-2 words
6. Enter the Page title you wish to see at the top of the page when it is opened. Generally, this will be a short phrase
7. Select an icon to help identify the page. Click on the box and choose an image
You can use the filter box at the top of the image picker to narrow your choices
8. Enter an About This Page description to assist staff, parents and students understand the content within the page. This description can include an image or an embedded file such as a Google Slideshow. When printing the page, a slideshow or video will be ignored.
9. Select the content you want visible on the page. Adding different types of content will change the settings options.
If you wish to have your page include assessments, after ticking Assessments, enter the names of the assessments you want available for staff to enter scores into.
Pages are able to have a combination of posts, assessments and goals. If a page is set to allow for both posts and assessments, the user can determine if an entered post is stand alone or linked to the assessment.
10. Select the style of reactions you wish to be available by clicking on the drop-down menu
11. Add the tags you wish to be available on the page. Start typing the name of the tags and options will present for you to select from
Note: you must have tags created before you can select them. See Adding a New Set of Tags for more information
12. Select the page settings you require. See below for an elaboration of the settings
Include current goals as tags: Links posts to student's current goals.
Display Page icon on Learners: Adds a green icon to the student's profile when a post is saved on their page.
Create an Autogroup for this Page: Adds the students to relevant Auto group when a post is saved on their page.
13. If you wish to have your page to display goals, enter the names of the goals you want available for staff and students to work on.
14. Select the Access Level for the page (the default is Standard).
This determines which staff members will have access to the content of the page depending on their access settings. More information on these settings can be found in the help article Controlling Access to Student Pages
15. Select who you wish the page to be visible to. See below for an elaboration of the settings
Visible on student's current year report page: Posts on this page will be visible on the student's current year report titled '(Year) Report'.
Visible to parent on if there is content: Parents will only be able to see this page if there is published content to read. This setting prevents parents from seeing an 'empty' page.
16. Select who you wish to have the ability to edit others' posts on the page and who can publish posts.
When 'All staff can publish' is not set to yes (red) then only the post author and software administrators can publish.
When 'All staff can edit posts' is not set to yes (red) then only the post author and software administrators can edit posts.
17. Click SAVE PAGE
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