Best fit progress levels are designed to give teachers an indication of the level a student is working on based on a calculation. Best fit levels are only a guide and require teachers to verify and amend these based on their knowledge of the student. This article explains the tools available to you for understanding why a specific progress level was generated for a student.
To understand how the best fit progress levels are generated see Understanding Automatically Generated Best Fit Levels
There are two ways you can navigate to the student's progress levels and associated changelog.
1. Navigate to the student profile and click on their pop up menu
3. Here you will see the progress levels displayed under the Milestones chosen by your school leaders. To edit or view these, click the pencil next to the subject name
1. Navigate to the student profile and click on their pop up menu
2. Select NEXT STEPS
3. You will see all the goals the student is currently working on. Click SEE PROGRESS DATA
4. Scroll to the subject you wish to view the progress levels for. Here you will see radial dials for the student's current goal level, previous level and next level. Click EDIT (SUBJECT) DATA
5. Here you will see the student’s progress chart with sliders for the four most recent milestones at the top. Scroll below this to see the Changelog
6. For each data point you will see an entry in the Changelog which indicates the:
- Date - The date this progress level was entered
- Assessor - If the progress level was entered by a teacher moving a slider “Teacher Name (slider)” or if it was generated from the Best Fit Calculation
- Milestone - the milestone this was generated for
- Result - the Progress level set for this milestone
- Expectation - a coloured dot to indicate the expectation
7. To access more information about how a Best Fit level was generated click the (?) symbol next to the entry in the Changelog to go to the Best Fit Data page
8. The Best Fit Data page will show you how this best fit was calculated at that point in time based on the goals that are currently available for the subject.
Note: the Best Fit Data page may not take into account any changes made to goals since this best fit was set.
9, The recorded best fit will show in the blue row in the table along with an explanation of the status of progress at each progress level
The Category column shows the radial dial for this student for this subject along with the number of goals associated with this goal category.
Each category is split into the correlated progress levels along with the percentage of goals that will be set to complete the progress level
The progress bars show the proportion of the goals at each progress level that were complete (green), being worked on (buff) or not set (grey) when the best fit was recorded.
The Best Fit Explanation summarises how this has been used in the best fits calculation to set the best fit.
The Best Fits calculation is explained in the help article Understanding Automatically Generated Best Fits.
This student has a best fit of 2P which is the next progress level with goals set above the highest complete progress level
This student has a best fit of 1A which is the highest complete progress level and no goals have been set at a higher level
This student has a best fit of 2P as this is the next progress level above the highest completed progress level with goals set.
This student has a best fit of 2B as this is the next progress level above the highest complete progress level with more than 50% of the goals set.
An update to how best fits are calculated was made on September 17th 2020. This tweaked the calculation to prevent students from being awarded a lower level if they had some missing goals below their current level.
Best fits set before this date may differ to what would be calculated now. In this situation the awarded best fit level will show in blue but you will see a note in the progress level that the updated calculation would have selected.
Note: this may include best fits set in LINC-ED and migrated to Hero.
In the screenshot below, the progress level 2A is the one that was set, however 3P would now be set with the updated calculation.
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