School Expectation Data
- Create Goal Plans via Comet
- Deleting a Personalised Learning Plan Goal for a Student
- Sequencing Goal Subjects
- Changing the Label of Personal Learning Plan (PLP)
- Understanding How a Progress Level was Generated (Progress Level Changelogs)
- Adding and Viewing Goal Exemplars
- Analysing School Milestone Data
- Hide Percentages on Progress Dials
- Adding a Personalised Learning Plan Goal for a Student
- Personalising the Progress Reporting Options
- Setting your Preference for the Percentage Indicators inside Progress Radial Dials
- Setting up Milestones/Expectations to Generate School Expectation Data
- Viewing Milestones/Expectations Data
- Manually entering curriculum levels for a student
- Manually setting curriculum levels for a Class or Group
- Adding or Editing a Set of Goals
- Deleting Goals that have been Attributed to a Student
- Setting Goals for a Student
- Setting Goals for a Class or Group
- Marking all Goals as Complete for a Student
- Marking all Goals as Complete for a Class or Group
- Setting up Personal Learning Plan Goal Headings
- Viewing Students Grouped by Current Goals and Updating Goals
- Understanding Automatically Generated Best Fit Levels
- Verifying and Amending Automatically Generated Best Fit Levels for an Individual Student
- Verifying and Amending Best Fit Levels for a Class or Group
- Setting the Order Goal Subjects Appear on a Learner's Current Year Report Page