All students are created in Hero as 'Pre-Enrolled' students. This is to ensure that all necessary processes and data validation is carried out prior to the student being made 'Enrolled'. These processes include:
- Verification of all MOE Roll Return data
- Ensuring the student's First Attendance date is accurate for correct attendance
- Placing of the student into a class
- Obtaining or verifying the student's NSN against ENROL
- Creating an Arrivals record for upload to ENROL
The process can be carried out from an individual student or via a bulk process. The bulk process is the easiest way to do this as it allows for all data to be entered and validated in advance of the student's starting date.
Note: A student cannot be officially enrolled until their first day at your school. This is due to the feature available to automatically transfer a student from their previous school to your school in ENROL.
From the Administration Menu select Enrolments > Process Pre-Enrolled Students
The screen displayed will contain two sections:
- Students ready to process - These students have had all the necessary data entered and verified and are ready to be enrolled
- Students with data errors - These students have errors or omissions in their data which is preventing them from being enrolled OR they have not yet reached their first attendance date. Sort your students by First Attendance Date to speed up your processing.
Students with data errors
Scroll through your list of students with data errors. The fields that are invalid or missing will be displayed in the right most column. Only fields with omissions or errors are displayed.
1. Select the class(es) that the student will be joining. If you are approaching the end of the school year and classes have been set up for the following year, you will see a button for this year and next year. Assign your students to the appropriate classes for each year. If they are not starting until next year, then only assign your student to the next year's class.
2. Enter the missing or incorrect data into the displayed fields
Once all missing or incorrect data has been entered the student will graduate to the top section for processing if they are on or past their first attendance date.
A future First Attendance date can be entered in preparation for starting. This will provide a warning message and the student will remain in the bottom section until that date. In this instance you will have to click SAVE ALL twice to confirm the warning and then save.
As changes are made, the fields will highlight in orange to indicate that they need to be saved. Click the SAVE ALL button to update your data.
Note: As this process is only highlighting errors, once an error is resolved the field will no longer be visible. If mistakes have been made in your data entry i.e. wrong class selected, incorrect dates, these will need to be fixed once the student has been enrolled.
Students ready to process
Once a student arrives for their first day at your school, they need to be officially enrolled in order to update ENROL. If this process has not been carried out prior to your roll being taken, you can reenter the class via the daily roll after this process and the student will be available to mark the attendance then.
1. If the student's NSN has not yet been obtained, you have the ability to do this prior to processing. Click REQUEST NSN FROM ENROL to complete an NSN check against ENROL.
2. Click the Process? checkbox to select the students you wish to change the status of.
Note: You should be selecting all students in this section, as they will not be showing unless their first attendance date has been reached.
Use the SELECT ALL button to select all students in the list. DESELECT ALL will remove all ticks.
3. Once your selection has been made, click PROCESS ALL SELECTED STUDENTS to change the status of those students from Pre-Enrolled to Enrolled.
4. This process will be seamless unless the student is still a 'Current' student in another school i.e. has not been unenrolled from his/her previous school. If this happens this screen will be displayed.
5. Click DONE. The student will be enrolled with a status of Pending Enrolment until the previous school, unenrols the student. This does not prevent attendance being taken for this student.
6. Go to Manage Students to see the name of the previous school.
7. Contact the school and ask them to unenrol the student. Once this is actioned the student will automatically become 'Enrolled'.
An administrator can change the enrolment status of a student from the individual student.
1. Find the student using the search tools available
2. Click the pop up menu icon
4. If an Expected Start Date was entered at the time of enrolment, this will be displayed for verification. Click ENROL <Student Name>
5. Verify, enter or request the student's NSN. If your student is a new entrant or new immigrant and has not yet been entered into ENROL, this process can be carried out later. Click NEXT
6. CLICK TO ADD A CLASS and select the class your student will be entering from the drop down menu. Click NEXT
7. Enter the First Attendance date - This date cannot be in the future.
The enrolment status of your student has now been changed from Pre-Enrolled to Enrolled.
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