Before you commence adding your new student, ask yourself this question......
Is this student the sibling of another student already entered in Hero? If yes, see Adding a Sibling of an Existing Student to add a sibling.
Note: To process enrolment applications you must be a School Hero Administrator and have the permission set to Process Enrolment Applications. The Principal or Principal's Delegate is able to assign this permission. For more information see Controlling Access to View Restricted Fields
Students who are not siblings are entered into Hero using the Enrolment Form. The form can be completed by either your Administrator or by the caregiver themselves via a link on your website. If you operate a strict Zone system you may prefer to email the link directly to them rather than have it on your website. The Enrolment Form looks and works the same for both staff and parents.
1. Navigate to the Administration menu
2. Click Enrolments to display the enrolments drop down menu and then New Application
3. Complete each page of the Enrolment Form entering as must detail as you have available. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
4. CONTINUE will take you to the next page. BACK will take you to the previous page without any loss of entered data.
5. The last page is Confirm Details. This will display all entered data for verification. The EDIT button below each section will return you to that section to make changes.
6. Select CONTINUE on each following page to return you to Confirm Details.
7. Click SUBMIT APPLICATION to add the student application. This has not yet enrolled the student as, if this was entered by a caregiver, it would need to be verified prior to enrolment.
As enrolment applications can be submitted via Administrators or Caregivers these need to be officially accepted in order to enrol the student into HERO. To progress applications to the next stage:
1. In the Administration Menu click Enrolments to view the drop down menu.
2. Click View Applications.
3. The system will default to NEW APPLICATIONS but you can choose to view WAITLISTED or DECLINED applications.
4. The application view has several standard columns with essential student information along with 3 customisable columns to help you select any piece of data that will assist with your decision making e.g. student address line 1 (for zoning), caregiver name, caregiver email address. These can be changed whenever required and will be stored on your user record. This means that different administrators can choose different fields.
6. Click the Down Arrow to select the field you wish to display. Use the Search tool to locate the field quickly. Only fields on the Enrolment Form will be available for selection. (NB: fields already being displayed, Emergency Contacts and Medical Contacts are excluded).
7. Sort columns by clicking the up/down arrow beside each column heading. The arrow will appear when the cursor is placed over the column.
8. Filter any column using the filter fields below each column heading.
9. To move applications from NEW APPLICATIONS to WAITLISTED, select the applications to be moved and click MOVE <9> APPLICATIONS TO WAITLISTED. These can be processed from there or moved back to NEW APPLICATIONS in the same way.
10. Use the DOWNLOAD and PRINT buttons available to create copies of your application list.
1. Click VIEW on the student you wish to process. All details entered will be displayed.
2. Select PRINT to produce a paper copy of the enrolment form.
3. Click ACCEPT to add the student to your HERO site, DECLINE if the student is not to be added to Hero or the back arrow to leave the application to be processed at a later date.
4. On clicking ACCEPT the system will carry out several processes:
- Get/Check NSN - Hero will connect with ENROL to extract the student NSN. Failing to find a match will display an error message but will not prevent the process from continuing. It is important that you do ACCEPT the NSN if it is correct and REJECT it if it is the incorrect student.
- Validate NSN in Hero - Hero stores a single record for a student. If the student being enrolled is already present in Hero the following screen will be displayed. Check the name of the student. If this is the correct student click YES, CONTINUE WITH THIS LEARNER otherwise NO, REMOVE THIS NSN. Clicking Yes will connect the student with their already existing Hero record. If this step is missed you will need to contact the Helpdesk to add the NSN at a later date.
- Request Expected Start Date - This date will be recorded as the First Attendance Date for your school.
- Match Contacts - The email address (or Name+Home Phone+Mobile Phone is used if no email address is entered) will be used to search for a match in Hero. If a match is found, this student will be linked to the existing contact. See Processing Contacts when Enrolling Students
- Match Medical Contacts - The name or medical centre will be used to search for a match in Hero. If a match is found, click VIEW RESULTS to check if the medical contact already exists in your school. SELECT the best result or click CREATE NEW MEDICAL CONTACT. Note: If the name displays as spaces, this implies that only the medical centre was entered. Click VIEW RESULTS to see all results associated with the medical centre entered.
- Click VIEW <Student Name> to navigate to the student's information.
You are now viewing the student information in Hero. It is vital that you check the details entered to ensure they meet your formatting requirements. You will also need to enter any other information that was not included on the enrolment form.
Information on the student is stored in Sections. Each Section can be viewed by clicking the Section heading on the Information Bar. The one you are in will display as blue and underlined.
The following is a list of fields you may need to add or amend. This is a sample only as will vary from school to school, based on customisation.
Note: when a change is made you will need to click the Save icon to save your changes
Basic Detail Section
- Verify the Date of Birth against the Verification Documents supplied
- Enter the Enrolment Number (if applicable)
- Select the House (if applicable)
Student Address
- Check for capitals
- Check that Address Line 1 and Address Line 3 are entered
- Enter a Caregiver Salutation for printing on Receipts and Statements
- Check that this student is linked to his/her siblings. This would be automatic if the incoming sibling was added via the 'Enrol a new Sibling' process.
- Update the Relationship fields for your Contacts. The relationship fields are those that relate to the relationship between this contact and this student. A Contact may have different relationships with different students i.e. Mother with Voting Rights on one but Aunt with no Voting Rights on another. To edit the Relationship fields click the EDIT button.
The relationship fields will be displayed.
- Relationship to <student name> - Select the relationship from the drop down list.
- Notes - Comments that apply to this student only
- Priority - Defines the priority when viewing contacts for this student e.g. 1 will appear first
- Is allowed access to Hero - Can this Contact log into HERO to view this students learning and finance information?
- Receives Text Messages for <student name> - Will this Contact receive Unexplained absence text messages or general text message (i.e. Lockdown Alerts)?
- Is a bill payer for <student name> - Is this Contact to receive Financial information for this student?
- Lives with Student - Does this Contact live with this student? Select 'Yes' for Shared Care arrangements.
- BOT Voting - Is this Contact entitled to vote in the BOT elections?
- Click DONE to update.
- To move caregivers between Primary and Emergency you will need to remove and then add the contact again. See Removing a Contact from a Student and then Adding a New Contact
Learning Needs
- Check the Intended Start Date, if entered by the parent, to gauge their expectation.
- Ensure an IWI has been entered if Maori is included as an ethnicity.
- Request your NSN from ENROL if it has not yet been obtained.
If the NSN already exists in Hero, you will be presented with this screen. Check that it is the same student. If so, contact the Hero Helpdesk to merge the records. If the duplicate student is in your school the details will be merged. If the student is in another school, you will not see any details held by the other school.
- Enter the Zoning Status
- Enter the First Schooling Date (the actual date can be obtained from ENROL)
- Check the Current Year Level to ensure that it is entered and is realistic for the age of the child.
- Check the FTE, Type and Maori Language Learning Level. These are set via defaults but may need adjusting.
- Enter the verification data (Eligibility Criteria, Verification Document, Verification Document Serial Number and Verification Document Expiry Date). These fields are used to confirm that your Administrator has verified that the student has a right to be educated in your school.
Save your changes by clicking the Save Icon
Note: if your Save Icon is red this means there is information that must be entered for this student before saving. Complete the fields listed in the Validation Errors box in order to save your student's information.
Your student enrolment is now complete and the student is existing as a Pre-Enrolled (Future) Student. He/She will be visible in your Future Students auto group.
To make this student Current refer to Changing Students from Pre-Enrolled to Enrolled
If your school is using the Hero Billing Module, you will also need to update the Account Settings. These define which contacts can view and receive financial information and the name and address that will appear on statements and receipts.
1. Find the student using the search tools available.
2. Click the Finance icon.
3. Click Account Settings.
4. Complete the Account fields and click Save Changes. A more detailed explanation of these fields is available in the Finance Manual.
It may become necessary at some stage to return to the original application. Reasons for this would be to print the original application, process the contacts if the step was omitted on acceptance or simply to check what was originally entered.
1. Find the student using the search tools available.
2. Click the pop up menu icon.
4. Click VIEW APPLICATION. If the student has left and returned, there may be more than one to choose from.
5. The original application will be displayed. From here you are able to:
- PRINT the application
- PROCESS CONTACTS (only do this if they were missed in error) or
- MANAGE <student name> to return to the student. This button is at the top of the screen.
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