Hero is designed to be flexible to meet the varied needs of different school contexts. School site administrators can add assessments for teachers to record scores in. By default, assessments will be displayed to staff and caregivers in Terms, but it is possible to also opt for Months or a user-entered Alternative Assessment Timeframe e.g semester, tri-annial.
Selecting the preferred display option is per assessment e.g.
Only 1 alternative timeframe can currently be set.
1. Navigate to the Administration Menu. If you have a wide-screen device this will already be visible on the left-hand side of your screen. If not, click on the Administration Menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen.
2. Under the heading Options select School Dates.
3. Below the calendar you will find Alternative Assessment Reporting Timeframe.
4. Add the Column Label that will show in the assessment overview and reporting column. Keeping the label short is advisable. If multiple years will display at once, add the year to the label.
5. Add the Start and End Dates for this column range.
Notes: the year MUST be the same year as the calendar you are in; timeframes cannot overlap; enter each timeframe in calendar order.
6. Click the Plus icon to add the next date.
7. Once complete click SAVE TIMEFRAMES.
8. Dates must be entered for assessments to show, so it is important to enter dates for the previous year to enable comparing of data. Go back to the top of the page and click the arrow to change the calendar to the previous year.
9. Enter the previous year's dates and click SAVE TIMEFRAMES.
10. When updating the school calendar for next year, don't forget to set your alternative assessment timeframe dates for next year also.
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