To enable student agency, Hero provides the ability for students to view assessment grades and carry out self assessment.
For each assessment schools have the option to make it visible to learners when logged into Hero and to be able to add their own grades.
1. Navigate to the Administration Menu. If you have a wide-screen device this will already be visible on the left-hand side of your screen. If not, click on the Administration Menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen.
2. Under the heading Site Setup select Assessments
3. Here you will see a list of the assessments currently available for your school. From here either:
- Click on the name of an existing assessment to edit.
Create a new assessment by clicking NEW ASSESSMENT. Complete this step and then click on the name of your new assessment.
See Adding a New Assessment for further information.
4. Click EDIT
5. Turn on Visible to learners slider. This will allow students to view the summary table for this assessment.
6. If you would like learners to see the grade history for this assessment turn on the Show assessment history table to learners slider.
7. If you would like learners to add grades for this assessment themselves turn on the Allow learners to add their own grades slider.
8. Ensure the assessment is linked to a page that is set to be visible to learners. See help articles:
When the slide "Allow learners to add their own grades" is on, learners are able to log into Hero and assess themselves.
What do students see?
1. Students access assessments via their pages. See step 8 above for how to link an assessment to a page or for how to make a page visible to students.
If there is more than one assessment set as Visible to learners on a page, students will first see an overview page with the summary table for each assessment.
Learners can click on the relevant assessment button to view assessment history or add their own grades if these options are enabled.
2. If the Visible to Learners slider is set to ON with all the following sliders set to OFF, students will see the assessment summary table with the final grade for each of the past eight terms.
3. If the Show assessment history table to learners slider is set to ON, students will see a table of grades for this assessment.
4. If the Allow learners to add their own grades slider is set to ON, students will see the marking schedules for each module of the assessment that they can interact with to self assess.
Students can enter their own grades in the same way that teachers do for an individual student - Entering Assessment Data for a Student
5. When viewing grades in an assessment table as a staff member, caregiver or student, grades entered by students are marked by a dark background.
6. It is possible for a teacher and a student to enter grades for the same assessment.
If this is done on the same day, two entries will show in the Assessment History table for this date - one row for the teacher entered grades and one row for the student entered grades. The teacher grades will always show above the student grades in this table. Further grades entered on the same day will update the relevant row.
In all other areas (i.e. grade entry points and summary tables), the most recently entered grade will be displayed.
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