Assessment data can be entered either for an individual student or for a class/group. This article explains how to enter scores for a class or group of students. This can be carried out student by student or a grade can be applied to multiple students at once.
1. Navigate to your class or group page by clicking on the Groups and Classes icon
2. Under the class or group, click the pop up menu icon
Note: if you are already in your class/group page, you can click on the pop up menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen
3. Select the page your assessment is associated with. For many schools this page may simply be called ASSESSMENTS
4. Select the assessment you wish to enter data for
5. A data entry spreadsheet will display. If you wish to sort your table in a different order, click the column heading to sort by this e.g. to sort the table by surname of the student click the heading of the Last Name column.
6. Where a previous assessment score has been entered, this will be displayed.
Adding the grade - student by student
7. To add a new entry, click the drop-down arrow and select the relevant option/score.
or where the scoring range is numeric, you can click on the box and change the number or click on the up/down arrows to scroll through the options. Holding your cursor on an arrow will initiate a fast scroll. Click SAVE
If the option you require is not available, please speak to your site administrator who can add this.
8. To indicate the option/score has saved, the box will turn green
9. If you select the incorrect option/score in error, simply click on the drop-down arrow to re-select the option/score you require. This will override your original selection within the calendar day.
Adding the grade to multiple students at the same time
1. To add a new entry to multiple students, select the grade in the bulk processing row at the top of the table. Where the scoring range is numeric, you can click on the box and change the number or click on the up/down arrows to scroll through the options. Holding your cursor on an arrow will initiate a fast scroll.
Note: multiple columns can be processed at once.
To remove an entry click the Trash icon.
2. Click the checkbox to select the students you wish to apply the grade(s) to. If a grade already exists for the current day, it will be replaced by the new grade.
Clicking the checkbox in the header row will Select ALL or Deselect ALL.
3. Click APPLY <number> GRADES TO <number> SELECTED STUDENTS.
4. To indicate the option/scores have saved, the box will turn green.
5. If an error has been made, click the WINDBACK icon to revert the grade back to it's original state.
6. It is possible to add posts to support the new grade. This can be done student by student or in bulk.
View this article to see how to add posts. Entering Assessment Related Posts for a Class or Group
Note: When a new assessment score is entered on a different day, historic assessment data will not be overwritten or lost. A new dated row will add to the student's Assessment History area. This can be viewed by navigating to the student's profile> ...> Select the page the assessment is on> Select the assessment> Scroll to the bottom of the page
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