This article explains how you can view rates of progress through curriculum areas; a snapshot of the current levels in a curriculum area or scores in an assessment for a class or group of students; and how you can see progress over time.
1. Navigate to your class or group page by clicking on Groups and Classes
2. Under the class or group, click the pop up menu
Note: if you are already in your class/group page, you can click on the pop up menu icon at the top left-hand side of your screen
3. Click on INSIGHTS
5. The spreadsheet will default to the RATES OF PROGRESS through data for curriculum levels (School expectation OTJs or Goals progressions Best fits) based on the reporting option selected by the school.
6. Select the curriculum subject you wish to view from the drop-down menu
7. Select the target number of sub level shifts, and the number of milestone periods you would like analysis for. The milestone period that you are in constitutes ONE milestone period.
Scenario One - for a school with mid and end of year milestones, analysing mid year data (year to date) while still within the mid year milestone period (before the milestone rollover date)- select ONE milestone (end of year to mid year).
Scenario Two - for a school with mid and end of year milestones, analysing mid year data (year to date) while within the end of year milestone period (after the milestone rollover date) - select TWO milestones (end of year to mid year, along with the current period that does not yet contain data).
Scenario Three - for a school with Termly milestones, analysing mid year data (year to date) while still within the Term 2 milestone period (before the milestone rollover date)- select TWO milestones (term 1 and term 2).
Scenario Four - for a school with Termly milestones, analysing mid year data (year to date) while within the Term 3 milestone period (after the milestone rollover date) - select THREE milestones (terms 1 and 2, along with the current term 3 period that does not yet contain data).
8. You may have some students in your group who have fewer data entries than the selected number of milestones - choose whether to include or exclude these students from the analysis.
9. You will see a summary table, showing the number and percentage of students who made fewer than (below), the same number as (at), or more than (above) the target shift. You can also see the number of students who were not included in the data.
10. Click on the number/percentage under any of the categories to see the individual students. You can create a group from here.
11. Below the summary you will see the data entered at your school's selected milestones for curriculum data, along with the number of shifts since the previous milestone period.
12. Where a student has moved up one or more level, this will be indicated in green
Where a student has not moved a level, this will be indicated in buff
Where a student has moved down one or more level, this will be indicated in orange.
13. This data can be downloaded for printing by selecting DOWNLOAD AS EXCEL
Note: if your group includes both current and former students, you are able to include all data by clicking the three dots menu next to Insights and selecting Include former students
If you are viewing data that includes former students this will be indicated next to the Insights heading.
1. Scroll past the student data on the RATES OF PROGRESS screen.
2. Under the MEDIANS heading, select the number of milestone periods you would like analysis for.
3. You may have some students in your group who have fewer data entries than the selected number of milestones - choose whether to include or exclude these students from the analysis, as above.
4. You will see the median number of shifts of progress level for the group over the specified milestone periods, along with a summary table, showing the number and percentage of students who made fewer than (below), the same number as (at), or more than (above) the median shift. You can also see the number of students who were not included in the data..
5. Click on the number/percentage under any of the categories to see the individual students. You can create a group from here.
1. Scroll past the MEDIANS on the RATES OF PROGRESS screen.
2. Under the PROGRESS BY COUNT heading, select the number of milestone periods you would like analysis for.
3. You may have some students in your group who have fewer data entries than the selected number of milestones - choose whether to include or exclude these students from the analysis, as above.
4. You will see the counts of the number of shifts of progress level for the group over the specified milestone periods in a summary table, showing the number and percentage of students who made each count. You can also see the number of students who were not included in the data.
5. Click on the number/percentage under any of the categories to see the individual students. You can create a group from here.
1. Scroll past PROGRESS BY COUNT on the RATES OF PROGRESS screen.
2. You will see a graph showing how many children were at each progress level, over time.
5. Click on any of the bars to see the individual students. You can create a group from here.
1. Click CURRENT SNAPSHOT at the top left-hand side of your screen.
2. The spreadsheet will default to a CURRENT SNAPSHOT of data for curriculum levels (School expectation OTJs or Goals progressions Best fits) based on the reporting option selected by the school).
To view a current snapshot for assessment data, click the drop-down arrow on the right-hand side and select the assessment you wish to view
6. This data can be downloaded for printing by selecting either DOWNLOAD AS CSV or DOWNLOAD AS EXCEL
7. Using the dropdown menu, you are able to select a module of the assessment to view a further breakdown of your group's data, with tables showing the percentage and number of students at each level. This is further broken down by Ethnicity and Gender.
1. Click PROGRESS SNAPSHOTS at the top left-hand side of your screen
2. Select the curriculum subject or assessment you wish to view from the drop-down menu
3. Here you will see the data entered at your school's selected milestones for curriculum data or term by term for assessment data.
4. Where a student has moved up a level, this will be indicated as green
Where a student has not moved a level, this will be indicated as buff
Where a student has moved down a level, this will be indicated as orange.
5. Again, this data can be downloaded for printing by selecting either DOWNLOAD AS CSV or DOWNLOAD AS EXCEL
Note: if your group includes both current and former students, you are able to include all data by clicking the three dots menu next to Insights and selecting Include former students
If you are viewing data that includes former students this will be indicated next to the Insights heading.
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