Hero provides schools the ability to store personal medical or sensitive information for students, staff and caregivers with complete security. The Principal, or delegated staff members, have absolute control over who can see restricted information and set which fields will be restricted.
Activating this feature is as simple as setting security levels on both staff members and individual fields. These two settings will work together to limit viewing, notifications and reporting throughout Hero.
Medical Conditions and Medical Specialists can be restricted on an individual basis, whereby a staff member may be able to see some medical conditions/specialists but not others.
For more information on setting access for staff members to view restricted fields see Controlling Access to View Restricted Fields
The Principal or Principal's Delegate is able to edit individual student, caregiver or staff fields to mark them as Medical or Sensitive. This will hide any information entered from any staff members without permission to view this type of field.
1. From the Administration Menu click on Manage Fields
2. You will see all the sections that currently exist for learners. You are also able to restrict access to caregiver and staff fields by clicking on the options at the top of your screen. Continue to follow the process below.
3. Navigate to the Section that your field belongs in by clicking on the Section Name. All existing fields in that section will be displayed.
4. Click EDIT next to the field you wish to restrict
5. Select the role a staff member must have to view this field from the options:
- None - all staff members will be able to view this field
- Student/Staff/Caregiver Medical - only staff members with the applicable Medical permission will be able to view this field and any information entered.
- Student/Staff/Caregiver Sensitive - only staff members with the applicable Sensitive permission will be able to view this field and any information entered.
Note: you can also create new fields with these restrictions. For instructions to create a new field see the help article Creating and Maintaining Student Information Fields
1. Police vetting information for caregivers
Mark caregiver Police vetting fields as Caregiver Sensitive.
Assign the permission to view Caregiver Sensitive fields to the Principal and key staff members.
2. Sensitive Student Information
Mark the student Custody Order field as Student Sensitive.
Assign the permission to view Student Sensitive fields to the Principal, office staff and key staff members.
3. Confidential Medical Notes
Create a new student field for confident medical notes marked as Student Medical.
Assign the permission to view Student Medical fields to the Principal, school nurse and key staff members.
A School Administrator is able to edit individual medical conditions and medical specialists on a student to mark them as Medical or Sensitive. This will hide the entire card from any staff members without permission to view this condition or specialist.
1. Find the student using one of the search tools available
2. Click on the student Information (i) icon
3. Click on the MEDICAL Section heading.
The section you are in will be displayed in blue and underlined and the fields for that section will be displayed.
4. Find the card you wish to restrict and click EDIT.
5. Update the Role required to view.
6. Click DONE
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